All Black Lives Matter

Resistance Bat

Jun 9, 2022

Project Summary

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Resistance and the FLow Bats logo

Logo design by Sierra Estrella


Event: Apogaea

Date: June 9-11, 2022


LED logo-art signage for Resistance and the Flow Bats theme camp.

Resistance and the FLow Bats logo

LED and jigsaw work by Jillian Estrella

Resistance and the FLow Bats logo

LED and jigsaw work by Jillian Estrella

Resistance and the FLow Bats logo

LED and jigsaw work by Jillian Estrella

Video of the completed art piece.



Initial proof of concept was sketched using an iPad and an Apple Pencil in Pixelmator. The final vector-based Illustration was also done on an iPad in Vectornator.

Wood work

The sign was built from 3/4 inch ACX plywood. The design was transferred from computer onto the plywood with a projector. It was then meticulously cut by hand with a jigsaw.


Two separate strips of SK6812 LEDs light this piece. Each strip consists of about 85 LEDs. The LEDs are controlled by a Seeed XIAO RP2040 microcontroller and they were sequenced in CircuitPython. Asynchronous I/O was required to sequence both strips of lights simultaneously from the same microcontroller.

The outer strip uses a standard rainbow fade. The inner strip uses recursion to mimic fire/candle light. The recursion is used to make a fractal of the brightness over time - which is what gives it the simulated flickering effect of fire.


Sierra Estrella

Project artist; illustration

Jillian Estrella

Project artist; LED and physical design






Theme camps